Hey all you Duck fans! Glad to see you back!
I've given the place a few touch-
ups, so why don't you look it over? I left
most of the original info up for you
first time visitors, but I hope you enjoy the
spiffy new stuff! So grab a root beer,
plop down on the couch, and make yourself at
Cantina Music Aaaah... drunkenness and bad company... sounds like the
To break the ice, here's a corny duck joke:
Q: Why do ducks have big flat feet?
A: To stomp out forest fires.
Q: Why do elephants have big flat feet?
A: To stomp out flaming ducks!
Ha! Just had to share. I thought that was cute.
A duck walked into a pet store and asked the owner
"Do you have
any duck food?" The owner said "No." The next
day the duck walked
in andasked the owner "Do you have any duck food?"
The owner said,
"No, we do not sell duck food." The next day
the duck came back again
and asked,"Do you have any duck food?" The owner
said "No, and
if you come in here again I will nail your beak
to the wall!"
The next day the duck walked into the store
and asked the owner "Do you have any nails?"
The owner replied with confusion "No, we don't
have any nails!"
The duck then asked, "Do you have any duck food?"
Personal Profile
Name: Mystyca Asha Aura
Age: 19
Team number and position: 38 right wing (can play
most any position)
Fave weapons: Super high- tech Plasma Puck Blaster
and Talon (type of knife)
Vehicle: Purple Harley Davidson motorcycle, license
plate "BLUR"
Frequent saying: (pointing Blaster at offender's
head) "I wouldn't DO that if I were you, honey." (smiles)
Personality: (quoting my friend Gallery if I may)
"Sweet as a rose, Deadly as poison."
A Brief History
My dad, Blue, was from another planet called Cheribu.
It is inhabited by medival ducks with strange coloration. This probably
explains my appearance. I have purple eyes, a black beak, grey feathers,and
silvery- white hair. Sometimes people make fun of my looks. Hey! I'm more
color- coordinated than you could EVER be! (Thanx Starsong! (^_^)) I came
to earth at the same time that the Mighty Ducks did. My dad and I were
actually in the Resistance. I never even met the others, though, because
I was so intense on the mission that I spent all my time training and talking
with my dad. I guess the others didn't trust us for some reason. Before
the main attack, they sent my father, an acquaintance of his, and me out
to find Dragonus' ship, suspecting that we would fail, perish- or both.
Amazingly, we succeeded in finding the ship. After that... well I won't
ruin the story for you. But when the dimensional gateway sucked up the
Mighty Ducks, it also caught my father's friend and me. The gateway branched
off and I ended up in Colorado. It was almost three years until I reunited
with the rest of the resistance..without even knowing that was who they
were! You can get the full story of my past and my adventures (or would
that be misadventures?) meeting the Ducks once I put my story, "A Hidden
Motive," on this page. Until then, I hope you enjoy the stuff I have here.
That drawing up there is a concept sketch of Mallory that could almost
be me! Later I'll have some of my own drawings, music, and other cool stuff.
Hey! Check out the long awaited Character List! It promises to be interesting!
Well I hope you liked visiting my apartment. See ya soon!
At last! The
Character List has arrived!